Valesto is a Ukrainian company specializing in high-quality baked goods and ready-made meals, offering a wide range of products such as phyllo pastries, strudels, dumplings, and crepes, with a focus on natural ingredients and innovative preparation techniques.

We had a fantastic time bringing this project to life, creating vibrant images and unique compositions that showcase the product in its best light. 
The result is an extensive and diverse collection of scenes. While every photograph adheres to a unified stylistic vision, each composition stands out as a carefully crafted piece, highlighting the client's product. This harmony of consistency and individuality is what makes this project truly special.

Thrilled to have collaborated with Fedoriv Agency to create this collection of images together and huge thanks to the client for trust on this project ❤️

Also we did a lot of product shots:
And didn't forget to make a few backstage shots and videos:

Project: Valesto Products Campaign

Client: Valesto
Agency: Fedoriv
Account manager: Alina Melnychenko
Art director: Roman Polischuk

Production: Danylchenko Studio
1st photographer (main images): Yaroslav Danylchenko
2nd photographer (sets on white) and assistant: Volodymyr Pankevych
Food stylist: Natalia Bogun
Assistant of food stylist: Olena Demeha
Post production (main images): Pavlo Protsenko
Post production (sets on white): Max Khmarsky
Producer: Oleksandra Amosova
Props: Anastasia Sergienko
Thank you for watching!
Check also our social networks:
Yaroslav Danylchenko website portfolio and Instagram 
Pavlo Protsenko Instagram 
Made in Kyiv, 2024
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